Maritime Organisation
Members of the SMA are commercial people recognized as leaders in their respective sectors of the industry who have held a responsible commercial position for at least ten years. Members are surveyors engineers brokers stevedores shipbuilders insur ... Read More...
Internationally recognized professional society serving the maritime and offshore industries and their suppliers. Research production maintenance and operation of ships submersibles yachts boats offshore and ocean bottom structures hydrofoils and s ... Read More...
The Fisheries Statistics &, Economics Division of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has automated data summary programs that anyone can use to rapidly and easily summarize U.S. commercial fisheries landings. Domestic fishery landings are tho ... Read More...
Transport Canada is committed to maintaining the safety and security of maritime transportation - for operators and passengers of small commercial vessels large commercial vessels and pleasure craft. We also have a role in some aspects of Canada's marine ... Read More...
Leading education and policy organization for North American transportation intermediaries. TIA members include Property Brokers Domestic and International Freight Forwarders Logistics Management Companies Intermodal Marketing Companies Motor Carriers ... Read More...
Maritime research education and promotion. Institute companies participate in all phases of the nation's deep sea foreign and domestic shipping trades barge and tugboat operations on the Great Lakes and on the 25 000 mile network of America's inland wat ... Read More...
P&I Clubs