Maritime Organisation
The MLA now has some 3 455 members. Of these 3 201 are lawyers involved in maritime matters including approximately 225 judges and law professors. The rest of the membership consists of non-lawyers who are selected because they hold responsible position ... Read More...
MOAA works for the enhancement of the recreational marina industry. Read More...
Promotes sustainable fisheries and responsible fishing practices worldwide through developing long term market based solutions which meet the needs and objectives of the environment and commerce. Read More...
Devoted to ocean and marine engineering science and policy. Read More...
An international society of approximately 400 marine surveying professionals. From recreational boats to commercial ships Read More...
Negotiates service contracts with the steamship lines and conferences for reduced rates on ocean freight for full container loads of beer wines and spirits and mineral water in various trade lanes. Read More...
A professional association consisting of state commonwealth and provincial officials responsible for administering and/or enforcing boating laws. Read More...
Advances the knowledge and practice of naval engineering in public and private applications and operations. Read More...
The NAVCEN provides navigation services promoting safe transportation supporting the commerce of the U.S. and benefiting world-wide international trade. Read More...
Nation's leading freight forwarders customs brokers NVOCCs and air cargo agents - representing 700 companies. Read More...
The Chamber is the official Advisor to the Greek government on all shipping matters. It carries out its work in close co-operation with and under the supervision of the Ministry of Merchant Marine. Members are all vessels under the Greek flag. Read More...
P&I Clubs
Advocates interests of the fish and seafood industry in Congress and before regulatory agencies. Read More...
The NITL is the oldest and largest organization in the U.S. representing transportation policy interests of shippers. Any company which ships or receives freight via railroads trucks ships airplanes barges or any other mode is eligible to be a League ... Read More...