CMA D.ARGOUDELIS & CO S.A. Featured Popular
Listing Details

Founded in 1987, CMA D.ARGOUDELIS & CO S.A. set out itself to be a leading company in Marine and Industrial Automation. Located in the heart of Piraeus port, in a privately owned 11th floor modern business building CMA D.ARGOUDELIS & CO S.A holds all the essential tools for a prosperous and healthy growth.
CMA D.ARGOUDELIS & CO S.A is fully complied by ABS with ISO certificates, and is a member of major global associations in the marine market for the supply of its products.
Our services includes
Engine control alarm & monitoring panel
Maintenance of maneuvering systems
Repair or renewal of oil Bilge separators
Maintenance of oil mist detector (Graviner)
Repairs Boiler automations systems
Inert gas system-generator
Installation of Water Ingress & Dewatering System
Repair - Maintenance of pneumatic Controllers
Repair - Renewal of cargo tank level gauges
Pump room Gas & Oxygen Detector Systems
Installation of ballast tanks Gas Detector
Installation of Fire Alarm System
Cargo Pumps Pressure Monitors
Pump Room Pressure & Vacuum System
Maintenance of Ballast Monitor
Repairs of Portable Oxygen Analyzer & Gas Detector