Listing Details
First class dedicated service, is what our company, RESOLUTE MARITIME SERVICES, is striving for through its exclusive or dedicated representations. We are now offering ship repair services in China through dedicated cooperation with two carefully selected, privately owned yards, with excellent drydock capacity and modern facilities. In this way your enquiries will be directed to one or both of these yards only, as per your express instructions.
Exclusive Representatives of
LISNAVE Shipyards, Portugal
GEMAK / TGE Shipyards, Turkey
ASRY Bahrain - Arabian Gulf
DAKARNAVE - Dakar, Senegal, West Africa
NAVALROCHA - Lisbon, Portugal
HSD Marine & Shiprepair - Singapore
CAPPS International, UK-Canada
Dedicated cooperation with
JINHAI Shipyard, Daishan Changtu, Zhoushan, China
FUJIAN HUADONG Shipyard, Luoyuan Bay, China (Northern Taiwan Strait)