Omnis Marine
Listing Details

Our company Omnis Marine, has partnered with Kormarine Services, representing the Group in Europe. We now provide technical services; certified technicians to perform any type of repairs, rebuilding, overhauling and other operations.
Our Hyundai Heavy Industries Certified Technicians specialize in HIMSEN engines. We also have certified technicians, for MAN B&W, Sulzer Mitsubishi STX, Wartsila, Yanmar etc. We are using same office in Houston with Hyundai and If need, we can get quick spare parts support from their stock. We are also Hyundai's subcontractors.
We do warranty work and after warranty jobs as well. We can provide those services anywhere in the world, wherever your ship requires assistance.
Marine Mooring Ropes
Our company Omnis Marine Ltd, has been recently appointed as representative for Greece and Cyprus, from XINGLUN ROPE CABLE CO., LTD, XINGLUN ROPE (XL Ropes) is a Chinese rope maker that supplies the international shipping industry and continually produces innovations and improvements in rope technology through their own research and development efforts. Their rope supplying network locations are Panama, Singapore, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Gulf ports, and all Chinese ports and yards, with Nigeria and Ghana coming soon.
XL Ropes holds all the credentials and qualifications as required by the industry, and is fully compliant with international regulations and standards. Approval certificates from ABS, DNV&GL, BV, NK, LR, BV, RINA, RS, etc. as well as ISO 9001:2008.
Hydro-blasting, sand-blasting and painting services
Our company Omnis Marine Ltd represents ATC SERVICES for the provision of hydro-blasting, sand-blasting and painting services that can be performed while transiting. This unusual cost effective expertise allows the client to repair and paint without downtime or docking saving the company millions in lost revenues.
Our workers are qualified specialists, with years of experience, certified in shipbuilding and ship repair, and who have all been approved by Classes.
• Chemical cleaning of cargo holds on bulk carriers
• Cleaning of ballast, double bottom, cargo tanks and holds, deck, and hull
• Mechanical cleaning - class ST2. ST3
• Ship repair, shipbuilding, ship repair sand blasting, painting of all the ship sections
• Ship repair of ships in docks.
• Painting and sand blasting at height
• Shot blasting, painting
• Surface cleaning - hydro blasting is required for deep cleaning surface preparation.