FLEBU AS Featured
Air Fans / Deplume Fans
High & Low Pressure
High and low pressure air fans for combustion, cargo handling, boilers, deplume and air sealing systems. Typical flow capacity up to 60 000 m³/h, pressure up to 5kPa. Materials in static and dynamic parts according to specifications.
Exhaust Gas Fans
Exhaust Gas fans EGFan™ for Exhaust Gas Cleaning systems (EGCS) in order to meet the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Inert Gas Fans
Spark Free, Heat or Noise Isolated
Inert gas fans for Inert Gas systems (IGS). Flow capacity up to 30 000 m³/h, pressure up to 30 kPa.
Email (Marine): marine@flebu.com
Email (Industry & Power): industry@flebu.com
Listing Details
+47 67 13 04 10
+47 67 13 13 07
Total -->4,309- Views
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