Corrpro Asia Pte Ltd Featured
Listing Details
8 Boon Lay Way, TradeHub 21, Singapore, 609964
+65 6872 4300
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Corrpro Companies Asia Pacific was formed through the consolidation of Corrpro Asia Pte Ltd based in Singapore (formerly known as Wilson Walton Eastern Pte Ltd) since 3rd June 1999 As a group of companies, our core business involve exclusively in providing the following :
- Specialist corrosion control solutions;
- Corrosion monitoring systems and services for cathodic protection systems Internal corrosion monitoring systems for process piping; cooling systems.
Coating inspection services for buried piping (eg : DCVG survey)
- CP potential surveys (eg CIPS) and systems evaluation and rehabilitations/retrofits;
- Cathodic protection systems design engineering materials supply and consultancy
- Marine growth prevention (anti-fouling) systems
- Specialty coating products (such as liquid polymer epoxy) for pipeline industries
- Supply of :
1. Sacrificial Anode - Aluminium, Zinc, Magnesium
2. Impressed current Cathodic Protection System.
- Specialist corrosion control solutions;
- Corrosion monitoring systems and services for cathodic protection systems Internal corrosion monitoring systems for process piping; cooling systems.
Coating inspection services for buried piping (eg : DCVG survey)
- CP potential surveys (eg CIPS) and systems evaluation and rehabilitations/retrofits;
- Cathodic protection systems design engineering materials supply and consultancy
- Marine growth prevention (anti-fouling) systems
- Specialty coating products (such as liquid polymer epoxy) for pipeline industries
- Supply of :
1. Sacrificial Anode - Aluminium, Zinc, Magnesium
2. Impressed current Cathodic Protection System.
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