Naias Labs Featured Popular
Naias-Labs is the trademark of our internationally recognized independent laboratory facility that specializes in testing quality of traded petroleum products. Provide a complete spectrum of highly professional services in Quality Control (including bunker fuel and lubricant analysis) and Environmental Protection both locally and internationally. Lab results and quality certificates issued by Naias-Labs are well accepted by most Ship Registries, P&I clubs, petroleum trading companies, inspection agencies, refineries & shipping companies, around the world.
44, Imitou, Piraeus, 185 40, , Greece
+30 210 4100300
+30 210 4100600
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The company offers following services: 01. Petroleum Cargo Analysis & Certification
02. Marine bunker-fuel Testing (ISO 8217 - HFO/IFO/MDO)
03. Lubricant Analysis
04. Grease Analysis (offshore lifting appliances)
05. Cylinder Oil Drain Analysis
06. Water Quality Analysis
07. Bilge Water Separator Effluent Quality Monitoring
08. ship-board Waste Water Treatment Plant effluent monitoring
09. PTP (Petrol Testing Program for automotive fuel retailers)
10. Jet-fuel Analysis & Certification
11. Biofuel Analysis & Certification
12. Motor-Yacht Fuel Analysis
13. Metallographic - Cause of Failure Analysis
14. Expert Witnessing & Claim Support services
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