Listing Details
Greek Diving Center LTD Is a company which was established in 1980 with interestsin Marine Offshore Civil Diving Scientific Research and Archaeological discoveries. Our Company is world wide in its operations but has particular interests in Greece and Middle East.
Ship Maintenance
All divers employed by Greek Diving Center hold National Diving Licenses
or Federation approved licenses and have received the required training
by the diving school operated by Greek Diving Center.
In particular all divers are trained on:
* Ship’s terminology in English
* Knowledge of ships u/w structure and appendage, tail shaft, propeller rudder and its bearings etc.
* Underwater N.D.T.
* Bearing clearance measurements on rudders and tail shaft.
* Underwater video monitoring with TV-monitors on the deck, still picture work.
* Special equipment and tools as hull cleaners, grinders, cutters etc.
* Minimum Class and international requirements for each item to be surveyed.
* Divers are trained on reporting their findings in a complete report covering vessel’s u/w structure, bearing clearance measurements, corrosion damages, buckles and coating, anode consumption etc.
Finally divers for their first year of work are always working under the supervision, guidance and assistance of a senior diver.