Livadaros Bros and Co. Featured
Listing Details
The executive team of Livadaros Bros & Co. being greatly qualified and experienced in their field is available and willing to assist you in developing insulation specification to meet your requirements.
Our need for Quality Work led us choosing excellent raw material. The materials used are of European and American origin complying with all international specifications and bear ISO & SOLAS certification according to international regulations (IMCO REGULATIONS). For the application of the materials during the execution of each project we have at our disposal reliable, efficient, intelligent and competitive services to all our customers, either in Greece or worldwide.
Elastic pipes and plates for nets insulation
Insulating plates from silicon calcium _ insulation capacity up to a 1000° C
Wonderful, diverse maritime museum located in Newport News, VA.
SECURITY SYSTEMS Telecommunications
Especially for travels abroad the company has provided in such way that our team can travel immediately without any waste of time with bureaucracies as there are available and standby all necessary justifications.