"Marine Equipment manufactures, Suppliers for Maritime industry" Find open auctions, sealed bid auction, and private treaty for Maritime industry companies.
Auction Marketplace Definition Auction marketplaces are special market places, where buyers and seller trade their goods and services.

Hauge i Dalane, Rogaland, Norway
SurplusHub is the world's premier online marketplace for surplus oil, gas and shipping equipment. Connecting sellers, buyers and traders in real time. Transparent. Efficient. Safe. Green.
SurplusHub is a premier online portal for selling and buying ...

Buy and sell idle, Prime, surplus, secondary, overstock, and used Marine & Subsea Equipment including Marine Equipment, Marine Risers, Mudline Equipment, Offshore Platforms, Reels, Umbilicals, Vessels, and Subsea Wellhead & Trees. Find thousands o ...
Auction Service GmbH Featured

Heilbronn, Baden Württemberg, Germany
We are a reliable Business Partner in Auction - Sale and Trading!

GovDeals provides services to various government agencies that allow them to sell surplus and confiscated items via the Internet. Each participating agency has its own auction rules and regulations and may be subject to government ordinances.
6931 Arling ...