Listing Details
Is a non profit Club founded and established in Piraeus since 1979.
In the Club are over 500 members of high class Shipping Engineers (Chief Engineers) graduated by the National and Individual Marine Academies and academically qualified Marine Engineers from high Technical Colleges and Universities, offering services as Superintendent Engineers to the shipping Industry around the world.
Amongst the aims of the articles referred in the by-laws, mainly are the:
Union of the Superintendent Engineers servicing the Shipping Industry.
The cooperation with the Administration and other Individuals in terms of the improvement of marine education and knowledge, in general.
The cooperation with any other Clubs, Technical Institutes and Marine Technical Publishers, in order to develop the appropriate procedures to follow and the application of the new technology evolution in the ships in entirety.
The highest ideals of the Club are the freedom of thinking and expressing of the members.
As a result, the Club has no relations with any religious or political system and activities.
Ending the introduction of our Club and in order, our members through our Club, to be informed of any technical improvement and news, we would be much obliged if you could arrange of sending to the Club the free copy (without any charges) of your publications.
For your info, we are publishing in Greek, every three months, our technical review
"KNOWLEDGE and WORKMANSHIP" which is circulated to our members and cooperators free of any charges.